Welcome to the November edition of Travel Blogger News – articles and news related to the business of travel blogging.
You can’t pay your rent with “the unique platform and reach our site provides” – Wil Wheaton on writing for free after being approached by Huffington Post (who are famous for not paying writers).
The Oatmeal in four cartoon panels shows how exposure works in the real world.
Exposure won’t pay for my next flight – Janet from journalistontherun.com on saying no to exposure.
Jodi Ettenberg from legalnomads.com presented an inspiring keynote at TBEX Bangkok on why travel blogging needs more storytelling. This post gives a summary on why storytelling is important, and there is also a video of the talk.
How to create original content for your blog: good writing practices – Trisha Velarmino on her writing process and finding your own voice online.
Travel Blogging
On honesty in blogs – A rant, by Talon Windwalker at 1dad1kid.com.
Travel vs Travel Blogging is a vital choice – Shraddha Gupta on losing the thrill of travel after becoming a travel blogger.
This survey shows how much travel bloggers spend on trips and where they like to go – Adweek have put together an infographic of a survey of travel bloggers as compiled by TBEX. There is no mention of the number of survey participants, so I wouldn’t put much faith in the numbers.
Blogging Articles
Dear Mommy Bloggers: You’re looking kinda spammy – Replace mommy with travel and this article can apply to travel blogging as well.
Social Media
Pinterest for Travel Bloggers: Drive traffic like a boss – Leah has put together a comprehensive post on why you should be on Pinterest, and how to go about making the most of your images.
Income Reports
Income and blogging stats reported in October for the month of September.
September 2015 Income Report – By digitalnomadwannabe.com.
Blogging life and income report September 2015 – Income report for Mytanfeet.com.
[If you are a travel blogger that publishes an income report let me know and I will add it to the monthly update.]
There were two TBEX events held in October, and next years venues were announced. TBEX North America will be held in Minnesota and TBEX Asia will be hosted in Manila.
Cinnamon Travel Blogger Awards – Applications for the Cinnamon Travel Blogger Awards (in conjunction with the TBC Asia conference) are now open. Apply by November 15, 2015.
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