Welcome to the November edition of Travel Blogger News! Here are the best articles and news related to the business of travel blogging from the last month.
Travel Blogging
9 simple ways to make your travel blog more popular – [Anita Hendrieka]
Comprehensive guide to SEO for travel blogs – [Chasing The Donkey]
The no BS guide to travel blogging – [Happy To Wander]
Episode #40: The secrets to successful travel blogging with Erin Bender of TravelWithBender.com – [NomadTogether]
Travel Writing
A short history of the dangers of travel writing – [Overland]
Channeling History as a travel writer: Duncan J.D. Smith – [Ancient History et cetera]
Secrets to earning six figures in freelance travel writing – [Make A Living Writing]
Jan Morris: On a life in travel writing – [Faber]
How to be a travel writer if you don’t travel that often – [Tassie Devil Abroad]
Social Media
‘It’s a self-esteem killer’: Influencers are unhappy with Snapchat’s removal of autoplay – [Digiday]
On Travel Blogging
How I landed my dream job by accident – [Journalist On The Run]
5 myths about a travel blogger – [Feet On The Map]
What you should expect from a good travel blog – [LandLopers]
Why I venture into travel blogging? – [TheGuyTravel]
Dear new travel bloggers: mind your manners – [Blond Wayfarer]
9.5 reasons to never trust a travel blogger – [Freeborn Aiden]
Income Reports
Income and blogging stats reported in October for the month of September, 2016.
Income and traffic report #22 – October 2016 – [Living The Dream]
Monthly income report for September: $138.12 – [The Restless Worker]
September nomad income report: switching gears – [The Luxpats]
In The News
Meet the travel blogger who made six figures writing about her vacations – [Insider]
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If you’ve written or read a recent article related to travel blogging send it to us for inclusion in next month’s roundup. If I missed any from last month let me know and I will add it.
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