Welcome to the August edition of Travel Blogger News! Here are the best articles and news related to the business of travel blogging from the last month.
Travel Blogging
My top 10 tips on how to become a successful travel blogger – [Where’s Mollie]
How I make money travel blogging – [Airplanes & Avocados]
124 places to promote your travel blog – [TripHappy]
Travel Writing
How to replicate my travel writing process, step by step – [Be My Travel Muse]
On travel writing and travel blogging – [Between Distances]
Social Media
Take a trip to Los Angeles’ new internet celebrity summer camp – [The Verge]
No, you can’t use my photos on your brand’s Instagram for free – [PetaPixel]
Instagram food is a sad, sparkly lie – [Eater]
An Instagram star’s insider tips for traveling the World on a Budget – [NBC News]
10 Pinterest mistakes you’re probably making (and what to do about them) – [Happy To Wander]
10 travel blogging tips from one year of blogging – [Pack The Suitcases]
First year travel blogging: Thoughts and takeaways – [Always On The Way Travel]
On Travel Blogging
I’m a software engineer: Why do I put my travel blogging experience on my resume? – [Hackernoon]
What I learned from my first month of travel blogging – [Ania Travels]
Behind the scenes of travel blogging reader feedback – [Otts World]
No, you can’t pick my brain — and here’s why – [Camels & Chocolate]
Full-time travel blogging and how it’s impacted my life – [The Bold Brunette]
Why I started a travel blog – [Wood & Luxe]
Misconceptions about travel bloggers – [Work Hard Travel Well]
Travel blogging: Why we love sharing our travel stories – [SandeepaChetan’s Travel Blog]
Income Reports
Income and blogging stats reported in July for the month of June, 2017.
How much money I make online: Income report June 2017 – [Ali’s Adventures]
D2D monthly recap and income report: June 2017 – [Desk to Dirtbag]
In The News
This travel blog has grown up and moved into its first real office. Take a tour. – [Entrepreneur]
Get Featured Here
If you’ve written or read a recent article related to travel blogging send it to us for inclusion in next month’s roundup. If I missed any from last month let me know and I will add it.
Write For Us
If you would like to write about the business of travel blogging without posting it on your travel blog then you can write for us. To submit your idea visit the write for us page.
Hey! Thanks for the mention about my income report!
-Krista Aoki